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hit man 職業兇手。

hit parade

If it weren ' t for the fact that writer - director quentin tarantino took 12 hours out of his hectic1 life to convince the former superstar to play heroin - addicted hit man vincent vega in his pulp fiction , travolta might have remained a fond throwback to the era of platform shoes and gold chains 若不是劇作家兼導演昆廷?塔倫蒂諾在百忙之中抽出12個小時說服約翰?特拉沃爾塔在他的《低俗小說》中飾演癮君子職業殺手文森特?威格,這位前超級巨星也許現在還是一位屬于坡形高跟鞋和金表鏈時代的讓人回憶起來還蠻喜歡的昔日大腕。

Every living soul jumps at every chance to make quick money before the portuguese colony ushers in a new era under the chinese rule . for the jaded hit men , they wonder where this journey will end . against this background of fin - de - si ? cle malaise come two hit men from hong kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby 此外,新修版加強了陳家洛不敢愛霍青桐的內心描述將曾受爭議的玉瓶美女由香香公主變成瑪米兒加筆刻劃乾隆的心機重重與運籌帷幄等,也使得陳家洛與乾隆這兩個兄弟主角,其內心的矛盾沖突,更引人入勝!

Hit man file ' s story of ambition , revenge , murder and sacrifice reveals hypnotic beauty beneath the flash and grit of bangkok ' s underworld and explores an unending cycle of life and death that can either destroy or redeem even the most ruthless , cold - blooded assassin 《殺手生涯》這個電影里面的野心,報復,謀殺和恐懼反映除了被五光十色所催眠的曼谷的地下生活并且發掘了一個不停循環的生活和死亡,甚至可以摧毀或者救贖一個殘忍的冷血的殺手。

Despite two timely goals against serie a giants as roma in the uefa cup the england hit man had to watch liverpool ' s worthington cup triumph against birmingham city from the sidelines 歐洲聯盟杯上,與意甲勁旅羅馬隊的比賽中,這位英格蘭球門殺手攻入了兩個寶貴的進球,然而利物浦隊在聯賽杯上戰勝伯明翰隊時,他卻只能做個旁觀者。

Against this background of fin - de - siscle malaise come two hit men from hong kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby 謝夫提出兩個選擇,一是暗殺澳門大佬,一是搶奪一噸黃金。和選擇前者,但卻命喪槍下。

In the big hit , a quartet of hit men ingeniously battle through a phalanx of bodyguards to “ off “ a venal white slaver . most of the lethal effort expen . . 一個猿類駕馭人類的世界,一個由猿類掌權的地方,星球上的人類只能檢垃圾維生,還不時被暴虐的人猿追捕及奴役。

Against this background of fin - de - si ? cle malaise come two hit men from hong kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby 謝夫提出兩個選擇,一是暗殺澳門大佬,一是搶奪一噸黃金。和選擇前者,但卻命喪槍下。

Violent and sensual , hit man file is a unique new asian action film with a distinctive thai identity 暴力和色情, 《殺手生涯》是一個獨特的亞洲動作新片,但是又帶有與眾不同的泰國味道。

Long , lun and ching work as hit man for their triad kingpin , tai sing . they are assigned to kill his rival , tung 古惑仔淳盧海鷹飾受大星哥委任刀手,伏擊死對頭狂人東。

But force repayment , and you feel like a hit man whacking kneecaps for a measly two bucks 但如果強行要回錢,又會感到自己在為區區兩、三塊錢下狠手,簡直像個職業殺手。

Mafia hit men 黑手黨的職業殺手

I love hit men . no matter what you do to them . you don ' t feel bad 我就喜歡殺手,不管你怎么對付他們你都不會為他們感到難過

And i challenge the motor city cobra , thomas “ hit man “ hearns . . 我要挑戰“城市機動眼鏡蛇”還有“刺客”湯馬斯赫爾斯. .

The mafia hired a hit man to go after the key - witness in the trial 黑手黨雇傭了一名職業殺手去追殺一名法庭上的重要證人。

And i challenge the motor city cobra , thomas “ hit man “ hearns 我要挑戰“城市機動眼鏡蛇”還有“刺客”湯馬斯赫爾斯

Are you hit men for the yakuza 你們是黑幫的殺手么

It ' s all our favorite hit men . all our favorite hits 這是所有我們喜愛的職業殺手所有我們喜愛的職業殺手

And became a seif - acclaimed hit man 成了一個過于自信的殺手

You brought a hit man into the party 你帶一個殺手來參加聚會?